Being prepared

pocket knife, prepared -

Being prepared

What does being prepared mean to us as men? What should that look like in our daily actions?

My first question to the group was “Who here has a pocket knife on them right now?”

A few of the guys raised their hands and some did not. As I pulled my knife out of my pocket I made the comment “This is my first step every day for being prepared”

I’ve been carrying a knife daily for about 10 years now. I have not always been like this, growing up I always had pocket knives but never made a point to carry one every day. Back then I didn’t think that I had a need or use for a knife every day but was I wrong on this.

I may not use my knife all day every day, but I always have it just in case. From opening boxes from Amazon, utility bills, cutting string off my families clothing, or opening that new birthday or Christmas gift for my kids, I do tend to grab my knife at least once a day. Although these seem like minimal task, all that can be done with a pair of scissors or your hands just as easy, but I choose a knife.

When you carry a knife, these opportunities will present themselves more and more. And instead of having to stop what ever it is that I am doing, get up and walk into the kitchen and grab a pair of scissors, I can reach into my pocket and take care of the task at hand. I’m ready for what the day brings me. What opportunities will you face in your life that if you had been better prepared for would have been way easier?


  “Preparedness, when properly pursued is a way of life. Not a sudden spectacular program.”

                        -Spencer W. Kimball


How should a man/father/husband work on preparedness in his life? There’s lots of different roads this will lead us down and some we are already doing every day.

Financial Life

We all get up and go to our careers so we can prepare to pay our bills and put food on the table

Disaster Readiness

We live in one of the highest Tornado prone areas of the USA.

We get yearly Ice/Snow storms that can knock out power and heat


What items do we have as the head of our households that can help make these times better for our families?

Water purification, Heat source, Food storage, Vehicle recovery items, first aid kits and generators?


Jumper cables, tow straps, communication devises (fully charged or a way to make them that way)

When it comes to being prepared it is better to have the items and forethought with you and not need it, than it is to not have it and desperately need it.

If a tree falls over your driveway during a storm, are you able and prepared to take on that task?

The power goes out for a few days in the winter, can you heat your house or provide food and water for your family?

Think about the “What If” before you do things in life. What if my car battery dies while traveling? Do you have jumper cables in your vehicle with you, so you don’t have to rely on someone else to save the day? Think about having a good first aid kit in your house and vehicle in case an emergency is to happen. Think constantly about what you and your family will need to get home safe every night and ensure they are equipped with what they need.

I promise your family will notice. Your wife will notice. Your kids will notice. Self-reliance is what separates real men from all the others.

- Banded Rooster


  • Alan Burns

    This is great food for thought! I too have been a knife carrier for many years. On days when I wear something besides “my everyday clothes” I’ve questioned whether I should carry my knife. Usually my thoughts involve coming up on a car wreck with someone trapped inside. If I needed to cut a seatbelt to free someone, how would I do that if I didn’t have my sharpened blade in my pocket and couldn’t reach the buckle?
    A lot to be said of being prepared for yourself and your loved ones. Many good examples are touched on here as well!

  • Blake

    Love this! I’ve been a knife carrier now for about 12 years and I find uses for it daily!

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